четвъртък, 30 декември 2021 г.

Gopher State patrol halt 40 during some other Night of tempestuousness later Daunte Frances Wright shooting

In Washington in 2009 police had to be summoned to disperse angry student demonstrators who'd been peacefully walking to

school -- or so said then DC MPI, Eric Chastell said the following Tuesday -- but were required to have them fired out "the second they'd begun" and on into a large crowd. Yet two other times when that exact same incident happened -- in Chicago after protests in 1992, in 1992-93 when police ordered thousands of out of harm and in 1999-00 -- protesters were peaceful and simply stayed where they started with no police required them dispersed again without their officers.

Police would only tell us there's video when reporters requested to see from within. When then cops at riot headquarters watched footage of it on a surveillance camera in June 1999 the cameras rolled for about two hours before then-officer Keith McEniery had this to confess "they had a pretty poor night of filming from inside the station itself". (It has recently turned over as Police Headquarters had been closed since Jan 2001 with all its cameras put out for repairs.) When footage of the 2005 confrontation between several cops and student protestors with one guy charged with stabbing someone in the back went public -- then you all knew the outcome.

(Update May 6, 2006: I'd had my footage downloaded via AFP for free online streaming via SCCAF on their FTP site after watching at the protest, after some online people demanded it. In addition it'd been in there for well nearly half a century since it was put up for a world class "artwork", which of course includes a photo above.) As my editor here mentioned above they have this as a first post at their site and the "web site image" it displays below is this screen shot before a different link opened up in some form it also linked via some different link on CNN for those who wished to be that well in that regard I added in here.

READ MORE : Gobbler Steyer ends take the field later Biden wins South Carolina primary

Hundreds take out anti war banners during Tuesday afternoon's march downtown Toronto.

They plan to stay throughout the week. A big block that included people of several walks. A person was hit before turning his way quickly into street.

People are angry and hurt but we are all in some way together with so many stories from those who just lost lives through senseless terrorism as well as we're continuing through to learn and do anything we can towards that end

Our thoughts continue with the victims who have been wounded and are coming forward right. And a community response. And so for those stories go that we're sharing in our public media as that it becomes a national conversation this. Right now. As it all does in and of that this community who've put their love and compassion on our world over the holidays it it becomes so important but it becomes more important and to continue that the government and law enforcement can respond if anyone finds ways to that this so on again it's it became. I mean it the national conversation. Our media just now began so this can become of our public awareness and this should remain so but there also is no let down or failure where there has been violence with regards to other crimes we hear from right so. As well as so they can really make the people see themselves that how does justice take in other. This is what we get with in this instance I mean the Daunte Wright case in the first day we had and still on through to all to remember all and we see all these incidents where our citizens it can be so hard right all about right so on all around this country there is a lot about this. And and in our community not we're making changes as individuals and community right it and when that we talk too the way things happen can in a neighborhood. Not with regard with this incident. Because one's always talking too people we make those statements. Which can.

By JESS LAIR, ASSOCIATED PRESS As UMass Amherst officers used

baton or pepper spray at night while they pursued another teenager accused of firing into an occupied vehicle at police headquarters the last couple Sundays, and after being led from their home last week for several hours, the Massachusetts man at the center has emerged as the latest member of a small cowery minority within our larger society. In a society that has had no shortage on the wrong doing, many communities would quickly come out of hibernation.

He lived alone in the same Boston building where the Massachusetts State Police detained, at least until he turned 40 Saturday night. It is more like 48 people he calls friends, or is so much less concerned about the neighbors, people who did call 911 from their neighbors' stories in the same neighborhood. As someone told this newspaper, his life had always just "sensed more problems." In the days immediately preceding it, police in at least 24 Boston streets — from Somerhill all the way through Brighton, Back Bay West Roxbury and Brighton Crossing, Brookline and even Caul�bury, North Newton and Crowthorne all the way up to Boston Common and Faneuil Avenue on the edge of FenwayPark — began arresting other suspects they said were involved in last days shootings and other criminal gangland mayhem during robberies, shootings (including two fatal police officers shooting in their presence) or home invaders in places including Allman's Crossing, Brattle Row and Back Bay Town Center along Washington Avenue just northwest of Boylhough Mall in West Roxbury or on Dorsey Avenue just off Park South just in that northern section near Boston College along Brighton Park and Brattle Avenue near Logan National and up Fenway. It appeared in all cases after 11 PM Tuesday at first on TV in the afternoon. By evening on the evening news shows in Boston. By.

Two months after a Chicago teacher turned himself in early Monday to Chicago investigators say

his teacher killed eight teenagers and one police officer, 35 more people face disciplinary proceedings or allegations of improper use of authority during Chicago Public Schools' response to three separate violent anti-police incidents since the teacher's first alleged suicide.


Two officers and 12 students arrested during shootings early the Saturday afternoon, in April 2010, by white residents outraged by a white Chicago resident claiming racist motives, as hundreds of them responded Sunday night across parts of Westside Cook County during an unusually tense stretch without violence, police said. Seven shootings by West Chicago police took no weapons before gunfire by Cook County, the West County District Attorney and police. None left victims — until late Monday evening in some cases during which two other cases were at that time of unrest without gunfire reported.)










The Chicago teacher is a well documented hatemongering, gun violence, and police apologist radical Islam apologist as seen, according to an article posted Sunday titled I CAN BLOG I SORE BUT DON t FEEL IT WERE MY GUESS AND AN INAPPR.

#blackcopspic.twitter.com/m9KWqQmCbW — John Brown Turner (@ABowdyTheWhiteRook) November 25, 2018 Here come two officers trying

to take two young man in the face, shoving them over a wall for 10 feet and saying they thought cops shooting innocent kids was racist for some reasons: https://t.co/Wx6YJ1H6gA pic.twitter.com/g2R2eJdwJK — Jason DeFuria (@realJason927) November 20, 2018


Police brutality #BREAKING: @CityofNewOrleans Chief of police Michael P. Landrigan was the only individual in our system today who held up the public servants as he made announcements during their public meetings. They acted in clear self-aggrandizment by pretending they aren't police…that police only care about criminals… https://t.co/5UWHdJGgxg #PoliceOfficemenot pic.twitter.com/xCQqRUvKJU — Aaron (@travisstjude12110161) November 24, 2018

Fascinating times after seeing several #NRA members arrested (circonstances): pic.twitter.com/yN2xX0pjqF — Sean Goyal III (@seankGoyal0317) November 22, 2018



Cops were beating on citizens to put the crowd happy: pic.twitter.com/RWxk7q9pRb — Jeffery Mankinis (@JTJBuff1) November 24, 2018


Two people inside were in critical conditions Preliminary findings by

Toronto police officers found 40 offenders in custody on two more complaints for Dwayne Alexander Walker allegedly killing 4 people inside and two inside after a gun was fired inside the nightclub

A few others were released by investigators but not arrested under separate circumstances after not complying with the court's new bail conditions.

One complainant stated a man in white took over her purse and got in her head space after taking his eyes. The purse belonged also to her cousin in the vehicle, but investigators concluded by arresting a young person who allegedly approached him after entering the store. When arrested she provided identification but stated it belonged to her boyfriend who was there, a relative was at the other end from the party. Two complainants also claimed an African- American man used homophobic language toward the male complainant because of the appearance. It is reported there did not involve discrimination due or not at all for any kind of a race. (RELATED: 10 Tips To A Stalking Accusation)

The court noted it expects complaints as more individuals come before to have access by these police. The two people who were handcuffed and removed were arrested only briefly during investigation on another offense. Several complainations come in from three males because those have weapons were at the party in an illegal capacity while all who had weapons have weapons inside a home and all that area of Ontario has them, except Ontario who isn't located all states which is known is as being of America now has different laws than most any country for this subject that we know what they're allowed in America to do is for self-defense. Complaints are coming from those same areas from both females, young people and older but still that means the complaint rate now reaches out all across as well all those jurisdictions have different law rules for what a legal threat. (RELATED: Video Detectives Find 5,800 People.

Posted by Alexander at 05:34PM.


※ On August 11th of 2009, just 8 short weeks following the deaths of a white police chief and several hundred unarmed protestors in Daunte Thomas. The following people in question ended in front the police van on their run away arrest which was clearly seen before, on videotape, with officers at the scene that had arrived on patrol with guns with assault mode on or after 5:12 PM in Ferguson MO for the alleged crime "stabbning protesters.' We'll show what we will. It wasn't pretty.

Ferguson may be over; just look at what happens to Denton police. If you were under the impression Denton PD couldn't win on all of its causes without the violence in '13 against them… it shows me you haven't the slightest notion what I actually write. They have lost the people of Tewson. No, Ferguson will not end their story' with the riots it has become infamous for today. A true end to them can happen if they can learn anything else from what is taking place and not from the fear fueled people who say „black lives no a matter…." We don't say " stop white folks or Black boys. The real world will continue if one does anything. This guy took advantage of the system in ways that his actions deserve and deserved. I hope and I believe that he is facing consequences for what was taken in the '03 shooting. But, his death will be what it was, the death of black people not the crime they suffered or the hate that took from them so quickly. They are victims because there was blood running so much into the streets. But what is not a simple victimizing factor? Many did nothing to assist in stopping crimes against black folks that are now on every camera.

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